Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations and Work that Matter
Art of Hostingは参加型リーダシップを学び実践するトレーニングです。
We can learn and practice PARTICIPATORY LEADERSHIP in this training, Art of Hosting.
More about Art of Hosting in English here.
We can learn and practice PARTICIPATORY LEADERSHIP in this training, Art of Hosting.
More about Art of Hosting in English here.
私たちが集まったのは… (Ayabe 2017)
Why we're coming together (Ayabe 2017)
もはや何を信頼してよいか分からない情報社会。 いまや繋がり合うことを避けられない国際社会。 顔を合わせて、一緒に大切な話をしましょう。 私たちにとって、今、大切な話を。 大事なものを大事にするとき、 必要な変化を起こすとき、 ありたい未来を描き可能性をひらくとき、 それは、人が聴き合うところから始まります。 私たちにとって大切な話や取り組みを「ホスト」し、 「ハーベスト」する技術にあれこれ挑戦するためのDojo この夏、アジアの東、日本の里山で開かれました。 |
The world we live together today is fast-moving and complex.
Too much information makes us confused and it's hard to trust. But because of globalization, we cannot live without connecting. It is time to see each other and have conversations together. We are going to be in conversations that matter for us now. When we treasure our important ones, When we make the changes we need, When we imagine our future and open up to possibility, it starts at the point where people listen to each other. Here we go into the Dojo where we can practice Art of Hosting and Harvesting conversations and work that matter. It happened this summer at a countryside in Japan, in Eastern Asia. |
Fourfold Practice実践の四相
Art of HostingのDNAとも言える特徴を日本語字幕付きの動画でご覧いただけます。
You can watch this video about DNA of Art of Hosting. |
The Chaordic Pathケイオディック・パス
Art of Hostingで学ぶ「参加型リーダーシップ」がどうして今必要なのか、どんなときに役に立つのか、私たちが生きている世界を理解するためのレクチャーです。
Why do we need to learn "participatory leadership" now? When and where can we see it useful? This talk is to understand the place we stand in. |
© 2017 Sustainability Dialogue, Inc. / Art of Hosting Ayabe 2017 Core Team
© 2017 Sustainability Dialogue, Inc. / Art of Hosting Ayabe 2017 Core Team